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2019 goal planning

What changes in your life would give you more happiness, now is the time to start thinking about 2019


New Year New Life

I always start to think about what changes I want to make every year, so right now I am focusing on my 2019 goal planning changes for the new year. I don’t believe in New Year Resolutions, but I do believe in making positive changes each and every year. I begin considering what I like and what I don’t like about what is going on in my life, so what is making you unhappy and what is making you happy is a good place to start. This is an awesome habit to form no matter what age you might be and did you know it only takes most people approximately two weeks to form a new habit?

2019 Goal Planning

I recommend you take the time to evaluate your wants and needs which are missing from your life, but most of us makes the mistake of focusing more on our wants than our needs. So what are your needs which are not being fulfilled is my first step to making new goals, I suggest for those of you doing this for the first time consider using a wants and needs worksheet. 

What Are Your Needs

  • Health
  • Financial
  • Relationships


Most of us who experience our needs are being fulfilled in the areas above most often are happier people, but at the same time the majority of people rarely have all their needs being fulfilled in these areas. The order most likely is different for every person, but for me managing my health is my main priority.


Everyone faces health issues as they age, so the majority of people who are managing their health effectively are naturally happier people. When we are feeling well, we can cope better with the stress in our lives, so for many the key to happiness is focusing on health related 2019 goal planning will improve our life. I am into adding natural products to manage my health issues, and one company I recommend is CBD BioCare. I have been a CBD BioCare associate for several months now, and I do respect this company and their CBD products. If these products interest you, you can learn more about them by checking out the videos and information available on their website.

  • Full Spectrum CBD Oil
  • CBD Pain Products
  • BioSkinCare
  • CBD Pet Products



The next 2019 goal planning area many of us need to improve is our income, and today it seems the cost of living is going up quicker than most of our incomes. You can become a BioCare Associate like me and start earning extra income, so if you are in need of improving this area of your life this opportunity is absolutely free. Of course everyone is not meant to be a part of CBD BioCare, but if you are really serious about natural products and earning extra money this might be the answer for you?


How is your love life and your intimate relationships is always a major factor how happy a person might be, but I have been single for over ten years and I am content and happy with my life in this area? There are times I would value the companionship of a loving lady, but the majority of the time my career fulfills my life in all areas. You might want to check the healthy relationship resources online to make the changes to improve your relationships in 2019, so if this is something which would improve your life you really should make some changes.


Most of the time people who focus on their wants finds out this is not the answer to becoming happier, but many people do overspend on their wants searching for what will give them a more fulfilling life. I hope this article provides you the information to start your own 2019 goal planning to improve your life.

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