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CBD Oil For A Better Night’s Rest

If you are someone who has struggled with sleepless nights, you understand how frustrating it can be. According to the National Sleep Foundation, roughly 30 percent of the general population have complaints of sleep disruption. Those who suffer from insomnia have difficulty falling or staying asleep, often experiencing symptoms like low energy, fatigue and decreased performance at work or school.

Doctors are quick to prescribe sleeping pills and pharmaceuticals to help manage the symptoms, but there may be a more natural way to promote a healthy night’s rest. Some people are using CBD oil to help eliminate anxiety and pain that can cause a negative impact on sleep.

Here is what you need to know in regards to using CBD Oil For A Better Night’s Rest and as a natural sleep aid.



What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, comes from the stalks, buds and leaves of the cannabis sativa or hemp plant. The compound contains no (or only trace amounts of) THC. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is CBD’s psychoactive counterpart. It is responsible for mind-altering effects; however, CBD will not leave the user feeling any sensation of being “high.”

The CBD interacts with the body’s on endocannabinoid (ECS) system. The ECS is a network of receptors found in the body responsible for regulating homeostasis, and linked to functions like appetite, pain modulation, digestion and memory. The human body is responsible for producing endocannabinoids which bind to these receptors to maintain a balance. The cannabinoids found in CBD are thought to increase the production of natural endocannabinoids, which leads to decreased anxiety, inflammation and physical pain.


How Does CBD Aid in Sleep?

According to the Mayo Clinic, insomnia is usually the result of stress or concerns about work or school. Stressors in life are a primary cause for insomnia or other sleep disorders.

Anxiety has been associated to sleep disruption. While CBD has not been scientifically shown to promote sleepiness, it has been linked to reducing anxiety and improving sleep quality. CBD oil may also be a good option for those who have trouble falling asleep due to physical chronic pain. Studies have shown that CBD may help reduce pain by affecting cannabinoid receptor activity. Several studies involving patients of multiple sclerosis and arthritis have found that a combination of CBD and THC has been effective at pain management.

REM behavior disorder (RBD) is sleep disorder characterized by physically acting out in vivid and often unpleasant dreams. These can cause sudden movements of arms or legs in the middle of REM sleep. According to a study done by the University of São Paulo, CBD can control the symptoms of RBD without any side effects. This points to CBD oil as a potential treatment for those who suffer from this sleep disorder.

CBD may not directly impact sleep, but it can help alleviate primary causes of insomnia and other sleep-related disorders.


How Quickly CBD Takes Effect

Along with the method of administering CBD oil, a number of factors may come into play when determining how long it takes for CBD oil to “kick in.” Factors may include dose, diet, body fat percentage and last meal of the day. If you are considering trying CBD oil for sleep, it’s recommended to start with a small amount based on the product’s dosing information.

CBD-infused products range from chocolates, gummies and even water. The most common products include tinctures, capsules and isolates. A tincture (taken sublingually) is a quicker way of getting CBD into the bloodstream and one of the most popular ways to consume CBD. It may take 20 minutes to an hour, with some reporting that the effects can last 3 to 4 hours. Products taken orally, like capsules or isolates, may take a little longer to feel the full effects. Depending on how much you have ingested, it may take 20 minutes to two hours.

If you are looking for a CBD product to aid with sleep, consider taking it an hour to two hours before bed for optimal results.


Bottom Line

Those who are problem sleepers or suffer from a sleep disorder understand how difficult it can be to get a healthy night’s rest. While clinical trials are still in the early stages of fully understanding the effects of CBD on sleep, research has looked promising regarding its anti-anxiety and chronic pain properties. If you are someone who struggles with falling or staying asleep, CBD oil or other natural sleep aids may be a good option for you.

If you are considering trying CBD for yourself, make sure you research reviews from a reputable company before purchasing. Find a vendor is willing to provide a lab analysis of their product to ensure its quality and potency. Since CBD may interact with existing medication, speak with your physician before incorporating a supplement into your regimen.

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