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The war between anti-ageing and skincare will rage on for generations. The last ones standing are the ones that clinge to the rock of ages and make it to safety. Okay I probably sound like an amateur war hero if not religious or something but if only immortality was achievable with a simple instruction manual black book. :p

They say age is just a number but I think this highlights an even more important dilemma I feel many skincare-addicts face.

For most folks, let’s say your eyes make mirrors and reflections searching for something beautiful, adorable staring back.

It’s never too old to look young

But all in vain as you’ve tried all sorts of lasers, facials, blades and have exhausted all expensive creams for a hopeful minute they’ll fill you and make you glow.

Karen Grant, with fashionista and the industry’s go-to analyst said it best:

“Skin care is like dieting. You have to invest time and effort. There is no instant miracle cure.”

Biblical fact: “Faith without works is dead”. As longer as you forget all negativity and push forward believing that your today is better than your yesterday, you’ll get there eventually. I promise you that.

What I’m trying to break down here is that, have some patience young sweetheart.

I’ve decided to call this a skincare addict black book because I know the struggles, when your skin is playing hard-ball

So I’m going to use this opportunity to share several of my favourite skincare-related and anti-ageing products. I’ll try to keep it as short and brief as humanly possible.

These products have helped thousands in their dark times, have made many hopeful and encouraged, boosted confidence when feeling down, have put things into perspective, and have helped shaped my philosophy around skincare.

My hope is that these products benefit some of you out there as well! So let’s dig in.

The skin is the largest organ in the body. It protects against heat, sunlight, injury, and infection. It also regulates body temperature and stores fat, water and vitamin D.

Sobbing 25

Skin aging begins at the age of 25. Collagen is the protein that holds the skin together. However as we grow older; our bodies don’t produce enough of it.

This leads to age spots on hands and feet, development of wrinkles, and sagging skin. Note that the effects of this may not be noticeable until your late thirties.

So since the aging process actually starts in mid-twenties, 25 is the ideal age to begin looking into anti-aging products.

Fact – Soda contains high levels of phosphate which prematurely ages your skin.
Phosphates are used in sodas to give them their fizz, while acting as a preservative at the same time. However, drinking just two sodas a week is enough to upset your balance of phosphates, leading to acceleration in your aging process, as well as a variety of other health issues, from skin atrophy to brittle bones to kidney disease.

We shed on average 600,000 particles of skin every hour. As we age, that accumulates to approximately 1.5 pounds each year. The average person will therefore have lost around 105 pounds of skin by 70 years of age.

Now this is not a great way to start a beauty skin contest. Ageing noticeable on the skin is due to failure of the body to replace the damaged or shredded skin particles.

Anyhow, with this vigorous rate of skin shedding, maintaining a healthy and self-sufficient skin becomes a challenge.

As you age and your skin loses its flexibility, it is not as capable of bouncing back into place as before, but rather turning those grooves into permanent lines or wrinkles. A thrilling nightmare for most of us!

CBD Hemp oil anti-ageing moisturizer is the ideal candidate for a challenge such as this. Light, silky and fast absorption into the skin makes it the remedy for a day and night multi action smoother and moisturizer, eliminating the risks associated with skin ageing and degradation.

CBD Help oil anti-ageing MOISTURIZER improves the flexibility of the skin

The following results were concluded in a study to test the effectiveness of CBD’s hemp oil anti-ageing moisturizer:

15-18% reduction in main wrinkle volume

Other results were;

  • 14% reduction in roughness
  • 16% reduction in complexity
  • 15% increase in skin tone

Fan fact – Tortoises typically live well past 100 and might be able to survive even longer. In 2006, a giant tortoise thought to be 255 years old died at India’s Kolkata Zoo. Speak of “slow but steady wins the race”

Growing old is a fact of life. And there’s no mistaking it, given the increased fatigue, weakened bones, and ill health that generally accompany aging.

Indeed, age is the number one risk factor for myriad diseases, including Alzheimer’s, cancer, cataracts, and macular degeneration.

However this shouldn’t give you an excuse of letting yourself go because of the inevitable. With CBD’s Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenation Cream, It is almost guarantee to look beautiful and stunning at 60. Want to make heads turn every moment day or night? :p

The Apple Stem cell rejuvenation CREAM guarantees a young and beautiful skin

As we age, our skin starts to lose its vitality and longevity. This rejuvenation cream is packed with apple stem cells formulated to reverse the skin ageing process by;

  • Promoting new and healthy skin cell formation
  • Preventing age related skin degradation
  • Improving skin elasticity and firmness

To mention but a few…

Fact – Basically, the causes of ageing are uncertain; current theories are assigned to various damage concepts including DNA oxidation, alternations etc. However, we age because it’s not in nature’s best interest to perfectly repair our bodies.

The good news however is that we aren’t obliged to place all our eggs in the one basket of nature to help facilitate and enhance the betterment of our skin.

The basic instinct and fact will always maintain that having a less moisturized skin is a catalyst for faster skin ageing.

With CBD’s Collagen Retinol Cream, the process of skin ageing is put on an everlasting halt. It acts as a shield and protector of your skin just as a lionness protects its cubs, as moisturization is the number one attribute of this cream.

Retinol is an important active ingredient present in CBD’s Collagen Retinol Cream

The sun is the leading cause of aging skin. No, I didn’t say that you keep indoors for life 😛

Anyway, as you enjoy the company of the Collagen Retinol cream, let the sun be your best friend as your skin enjoys suckling up its nutritious neutrinos and Vitamin D with utmost boldness.

Fact – Smokers are more likely to develop wrinkles and leathery skin, when compared to non-smokers. Smoking drastically speeds up the skin’s aging process, which is why smokers are much more prone to wrinkles than non-smokers. There are over 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, each of which damages the collagen and elastin in your skin, meaning that second-hand smoke can be just as aging.

Collagen Retinol Cream anti-ageing moisturizer is well formulated to help boost the radiance of the skin by maintaining a luxurious, light, soft, smooth and silky skin.

Retinol, an ingredient present in the cream alongside Vitamin C is essential in helping depleted skin in the following ways;

  • Helps reduce fine lines
  • Reduces pore size
  • Improves elasticity
  • Increases firmness
  • Hydrates skin

What is Retinol?

Retinol is no stranger to the skincare industry. In fact, it was first used in the 70’s as a treatment for acne. But it didn’t take long for experts to realize that retinol is also effective for reducing discoloration and diminishing wrinkles and brown spots.

While retinol has been found to be one of the most effective ingredients in combating the signs of aging, collagen is the component that gives your skin its natural elasticity.

Then you add the natural benefits of CBD as an antioxidant, ageless and anti-inflammatory and this is an anti-aging powerhouse formula.

The Truth about CBD

Okay I know I’m rapping about CBD right now. Just so my rhyms are sound and clear, let me briefly break down the truth about CBD.

Fact – The best position to sleep in, if you want to minimize chances of developing extra wrinkles, is on your back, or you can purchase special pillows to help you turn to your side without exerting pressure on your chin and cheeks.

CBD stands for cannabidiol. It isn’t your standard cannabis. Cannabis contains delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is the active ingredient found in cannabis or marijuana which creates a mind-altering state or what many call “getting high” if smoked or used in cooking.

However, CBD is different. Unlike THC, it does not change a person’s state of mind when they use it. Our CBD supplier provides the purest hemp oil and other ingredients and is one of the only government registered growers in the United States.

Many people get this misunderstood but the fact remains that CBD has been proven to have diverse medical benefits and our stores provide if not the best CBD products at an incredible cut-price deal that you won’t find anywhere else in the market.

As I conclude with this article, let me leave you with two of my favourite poems on skin troubles, perfect skin, woes? Call me petty but these kinds of emotional lines always make my day a handful of pleasantries :p You tell me what you think in the comments. 🙂 enjoy!

my eyes
make mirrors out of
every reflective surface they pass
searching for something beautiful looking back
my ears fish for compliments and praise
but no matter how far they go looking
nothing is enough for me
i go to clinics in department stores
for pretty potions and new techniques
i’ve tried the lasers
i’ve tried the facials
i’ve tried the blades and expensive creams
for a hopeful minute they fill me
make me glow from cheek to cheek
but as soon as i feel beautiful
their magic disappears suddenly
where am i supposed to find it
i am willing to pay any price
for a beauty that makes heads turn
every moment day and night
—a never-ending search-

Wrinkled and dry skin needs care 
Cream is needed for moisten this, 
Beauty can be revived well once again, 
Without care skin does not shine. 

Doctor recommends moisturizer, 
Taking prescription we buy this, 
From medicine store we bring, 
With medicament we massage. 

Fungus, bacteria and virus do infection, 
Diseases are seen on skin due to them, 
Proper treatment is of curse needed, 
Patient consults skin doctor in this case. 

Wrinkled, dry and stressed mind, 
This puzzles with anxiety and agony, 
Like germs, vices infect mind a lot, 
Senses do not remain in control of mind. 

Wisdom becomes moisturizer really, 
We need to apply this on mind daily, 
Super Spiritual Doctor recommends this, 
Wisdom is power that cures mind ever. 

© Kumarmani Mahakul

Thanks for the read my brothers and sisters. To learn more about CBD BIOCARE Products, here’s the link.

For inquiries and questions or if you’ve had any experience using CBD and hemp related products, please leave a comment below. May you have a blessed day, and cheers!

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