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How Would You Rate Your Health Status?

The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention shares the majority of people are able to live to the age between 75 and 80 years old, but most of us start to experience common senior health issues once we are over 50 years old. Even though they are medical experts in this field, I hear most people complaining about health issues at an early age. I have lived a very healthy lifestyle my entire life, and yet I have been battling to manage my own chronic health problems since in my early 30’s. Today there is no doubt our foods are not as healthy for us as in the past, and in my opinion that is the reason we all are having to take vitamins and nutritional products every day.

Common Senior Health Issues

  • Arthritis
  • Heart Disease
  • Cancer
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Osteoporosis
  • Diabetes
  • Influenza
  • Pneumonia
  • Balance Difficulty
  • Substance Abuse
  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Dental
  • Shingles


Today the average person I know is already experiencing many of these conditions which Everyday Health shares are common senior health issues, so managing these becomes more of a challenge the older we become. Who do you know who is not living with several of these chronic conditions by the time they are in their 50’s, but yet the medical professionals tell us the key is to learn to manage these problems to live as old as 80.

Arthritis Pain Management

Everyone you know seems to experience the most common senior health issues such as arthritis pain, but what once  was considered an old age health problem is even found in children today. Again our food becomes an apparent trigger for this condition, and so many young people are living with joint pain. I began experiencing this type of pain in my early thirties, and before the age of forty years old I was disabled. Today I am managing quite effectively without prescription medication, but by changing my diet to almost completely anti-inflammatory foods.

You can download for free the Cleveland Clinic arthritis and join pain treatment guide, so I recommend anyone who is struggling as I did in the past take advantage of this opportunity and download this guide.

Recommended Resources



CBD Hemp Seed Oil For Seniors

The senior directory wrote an article providing the benefits CBD hemp seed oil provides for seniors, so here is what the senior directory has to say about seniors using CBD hemp seed oil.

  • Muscle Pain Relief
  • Joint Pain Relief
  • Arthritis Relief
  • Bone Health Benefits
  • Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
  • Increases Their Energy Levels
  • Glaucoma
  • Insomnia
  • Minor Sleep Issues
  • Alternative To Prescription Medications
  • Appetite
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Dementia


Where To Buy CBD Hemp Seed  Oil

With so many companies now selling this product many seniors might become confused and overwhelmed what company to purchase from, but I recommend the company BioCare for a high-quality product which will help with your common senior health issues. There is no THC in BioCare’s CBD products, and the owners are dedicated to promoting the best quality of products to you. I really trust the owners and their products to be good for you, so check with them before you buy from any other company.

Get To Know The Owners Of CBD BioCare


common senior health issues

According to my research CBD hemp seed oil is a good addition to any seniors health care management routine


I recommend adding CBD hemp seed oil if you can afford to invest in the product and see if it improves how you feel, and you should know every natural product has less side-effects than prescription medications. Sometimes you have to experiment to find the right dose of CBD hemp seed oil, so just because it is not working right away that does not mean it is not going to help you once you find the correct dose for your body chemistry.

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